Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Armchair Tourism

untitled extract from Ethnic Minority Music of Northeast Cambodia

untitled extract from Radio Thailand: Transmissions from the Tropical Kingdom

untitled extract from Radio Algeria

Buy all these and many more great releases from Sublime Frequencies.
You'd be a fool not to.


Chardman said...

I bought Radio Palestine and I love it. I might buy their entire radio series. Have you seen any of their DVDs? They are amazing. No narration, no titles, it just gets right into the music. They are very enigmatic and trippy, despite no effects or discernable edits.

Dorker Vibes said...

hi chardman,

Love Radio Palestine, but my personal faves have to be Radio India, Morocco, Princess Nicotine, Guitars of the Golden Triangle...screw it, they're all fantastic! Have you seen the new Ghosts of Isan dvd - it's a real hoot, and some fantastic Mo Lam music to boot. Speaking of Rob Millis, his Victrola Favorites series was around charting similar territory long before SF. Might post some of those if anyone's interested?

Chardman said...

No I haven't!
I need to check those out.